Monday, August 6, 2007

Project I Know Nothing About This

This weekend, I was reminded once again that Husband's personal style and taste in clothing are far superior to my own. Before we started dating, Husband scared me a little bit because he was so well-dressed and pretty. I almost thought of him as a celebrity that was unattainable-- people that pretty don't interact with people who only buy clothes once a year and consider a coffee cup a fashion accessory. Once we started dating, I would obsess for hours over what I should wear on our dates. [I know, me? Obsess about something?] I was very aware and a bit uncomfortable about being the less stylish person in our relationship.

Post wedding day, Husband became the fashion authority in my life. I always ask him about what I'm wearing. I think the most dreaded question in his life is "do these shoes go with this?". I bow to his opinion on all things sartorial.

At home with my familiy this weekend, Little Scotty showed me all of his new school clothes. For his first day of school debut, he asked me which shirt he should wear with his new navy and white striped shorts. Being the minimalist that I am, I automatically went for his solid white polo shirt. Gotta balance your stripes and solids, no? Too many stripes = bad. Except that Little Scotty really wanted to wear a new navy, royal blue, and white striped shirt. Alarm bells were going off in my head. STRIPES! STRIPES! TOO MANY STRIPES! FOR THE LOVE, ENOUGH WITH THE STRIPES.

Then, I realized. Coffee cups are my fashion accessories. Little Scotty is hip and cool and drives a Jeep.

So I deferred to Husband. Little Scotty presented his case. I presented mine. And, naturally, Husband told Little Scotty that the striped shirt was clearly the superior choice.


All of which reminds me that I should stick to old books and big words and let Husband make any and all fashion choices affecting me or my loved ones.


Anonymous said...

Oh where was this attitude when I was trying to dress you!!!! lol

Whitney said...

Dear Cousin Scotty,
If you are reading this, I appreciate your stripes on stripes. You have the look to do this. You, me, your mom...we do the crazy...Kris and my mom...they do the simple. I can appreciate this. They will never be put on "What Not to Wear." All together, we are a fashionista family. I love you all.
Love, Cousin Whitty