In college, Husband and I were both in the Christian college equivalent of Greek houses. His "fraternity," Chi Lambda Phi, and my "sorority," Gamma Rho, were a big part of our social lives and really part of the reason that we met in the first place.
There is something you should know about Husband's brotherhood, Chi. They are incredibly..... proud of themselves. Now, they have good reason to feel that way, as they win everything and generally attract the best guys (and the hottest girlfriends, of course). Still, this is part of their reputation. The good thing about these guys is that they know their reputation and they can laugh at it. And those of us who know the guys personally know that, as Husband puts it, they just can't help being AWESOME.
One of the things that Chi always wins is Spring Sing, the yearly show at our school that involves each club singing and dancing around like manic idiots for 6 minutes at a time. These white, Church of Christ boys are somehow magically gifted with the ability to dance, flip, and sing as a unit. Even when I wanted to kill them all for beating Gamma a bazillion years in a row, I still got little goosebumps watching them. I always felt like these were my boys.
WELL, flash forward to our trip to DC last week. [PLEASE KEEP IN MIND WE GRADUATED FROM COLLEGE TWO YEARS AGO.] We had just finished watching the changing of the gaurd at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. This ceremony, if you haven't seen it, is amazing. These soldiers perform this intricate series of marching, saluting, and arms presentation in the sweltering heat that makes saps like me tear up.
As we were walking down the hill right after the ceremony, I observed:
To which Husband replied,
"Like a Chi Spring Sing show!"
Totally the same, right?