Tuesday, June 3, 2008

he should really think about the potential of his actions to end up on the Internet

On one of the last nights of our vacation, Husband and I were absolutely exhausted. After four days of walking around in the heat, we couldn't do much more. We decided to go back to our hotel around 4:00 and rest a little bit before dinner. Once we'd taken off our shoes, changed into more comfortable clothes, and settled into bed, we started channel surfing and landed on HBO. HBO is one of those luxuries that we only enjoy in hotels because I am too cheap to pay for anything more than basic cable. During vacation, we watched a LOT of movies on HBO.

This particular late afternoon, with the sun slanting behind the DC skyline, I had control of the remote. When I came across The Devil Wears Prada on HBO, I thought I would see how long I could watch it before Husband started wrestling me for the controller. To my GREAT surprise, Husband was absolutely ENTHRALLED by Meryl Streep and the fabulous clothes in this movie. WE WATCHED OVER AN HOUR OF THIS MOVIE with not a peep from him. Finally, around 6:30, I was getting really hungry.

"Babe, I'm really starving."

"But we're watching this movie."

"Ummmm, yes. I'm actually really surprised that we are still watching this movie."

"Really? Why?"

"Well, it doesn't strike me as your kind of movie."


"I see."

"Well, what happens to her?" [The movie had reached the moment where the main character has to decide if she will continue in her horrible job in hopes of getting ahead or be true to herself.]

"You're concerned about how this movie ends?"

"What does she DO!?"

"Well.... are you sure you want me to tell you? You don't want to watch the rest of it later?"

"If we're going to eat, you have to tell me."

So, barely stifling my laughter, I told Husband how the movie ended. He seemed satisfied with the ending, so we could finally go eat.

As we were walking to dinner, I decided not to let this little incident go without comment.

"Babe, don't worry, if you really want to watch the ending of the movie, I have it at home. We can watch it when we get home."

"What movie?"

"The one we were just watching."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"The movie you were just dying to know the ending of. THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA."

"I've never heard of that movie before."

"So we're gonna play it that way, huh?"

"You can't prove a thing."

"I've got one word for you, sucker. BLOG."


Rhonda said...

I love you!!! Kristina way to GO!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh and the husband stories...priceless