Thursday, February 19, 2009


My latest goal in life is to prepare fully balanced meals.

Wow, that was quite housewife of me. They're going to revoke my Feminist card. [At least The Boss will be pleased.]

When I first got married, I was barely able to get a sufficiently cooked protein on the plate, but I am now feeling like its important to have side dishes and bread thrown into the mix. I have been a bit cocky about this lately. When Husband and I sit down to plates that are full of three or four different food items, I have been known to say things like, "I am so glad I can feed you so well. Aren't you glad you married me? I am basically awesome."

[PLEASE remember before you judge me that I never cooked a day in my life until right before I got married and I still break out into hives when making something for the first time. Don't you remember this little debacle? And this one?]

The only problem with this is that Husband likes very few vegetables that are traditionally used for side items. He does not like corn. He does not like squash. Besides vegetables, I have only ever used rice as a side item, and guess what he REALLY doesn't like? Yeah. Rice. I am basically limited to potatoes and salad. That's it.

About a week ago, I thought I would give green beans a try. BAH! While he took a generous portion, Husband ate about 2.5 green beans. After dinner, I called him out about it.

"Wow, so no green beans, huh?"

"Yeah..... green beans are gross."

I think he noticed my crestfallen expression at my failure to provide acceptable side items because he immediately grabbed my butt and said, "YOUR green beans were delicious."



Anonymous said...

Hey, Granny reads this!!! (butt??? really, how about tush or bottom...) hehehe love you and your HUSBAND,

Anonymous said...

Kristina, you have been cracking me up lately with the Husband stories. I have read a couple of them to Jacob and he laughs everytime...especially about your husband asking for a SANDWICH upon awaking. Ha! Let's get together with our hubbies soon! There is a Spanish restaurant in Bricktown that we have been wanting to try...called Bolero. It's online at
Toodles! :) Penny

Kelly Riggs said...

Feminist card??? I'm gonna stroke out.

Frankie said...

1. who is The Boss?
2. since when are you a feminist? you have GOT to meet my sister; she'd give you such perspective into just how NOT crazy-liberal you are.
3. broccoli. asparagus. carrots. cauliflower. the side options are endless (and yet after typing all that, I betcha Husband wouldn't like any of them).
4. I seriously hope your granny never stumbles upon my blog.
5. you rock my world a little bit.

Frankie said...
