Sunday, August 19, 2007

breakfast for dinner

Tonight, we were at a loss for dinner. Nothing sounded good. We drove home from church considering our fast-food options, but finally decided to go home. For sandwiches. You know there was nothing to eat when we were considering sandwiches.

Then, Husband had a brilliant idea: breakfast for dinner! It wasn't the first time in human history that someone had this idea. I remember Motha! making us breakfast for dinner when we were kids, and we thought it was the coolest, most rebellious thing EVER. Those Christians, they are CRAZY! Waffles?! AT NIGHT?! MADNESS!

However, there was a small kink to be worked out. Husband's idea of breakfast and my idea of breakfast are a bit different. Husband's idea of breakfast includes waffles; mine includes cheese scrambled eggs. Ironically, we are each the designated chef of the other's favorite. On the weekends, I make waffles if we decide on waffles, and he makes the eggs if we decide on eggs. After a momentary silence, Husband said, "I'll make you eggs...............and you can make me waffles!"

And that, folks, is why I married him.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I love it. Thoughtful people "seeking the others greater good"!!! God is sooo good. Love MOTHA