Monday, August 20, 2007

first day of school

Today was the first day of school. I fell out of bed at 6:30 this morning. 6:30 am. BOO. There's not much that even coffee can do at 6:30 in the morning. Luckily, Husband made me some coffee anyway, but only after telling me that the only reason he was out of bed was because I was being loud. Loud? I'll show you loud. Don't challenge me at 6:30 am when I am not yet caffeinated.

My students at 8:30 wore blank stares and bed head. I felt like I was talking to life-size cardboard cut outs. My friend, Katie, suggested that I use a spray bottle in their faces like you would with a disobedient cat. I find the analogy rather compelling. 10:30 was a better situation; at least those students looked alive. I think one of them even smiled.

After my 10:30 class, I knew I had to trudge all the way across campus to the art museum for my art history class. And when I say trudge, I literally mean drag my sad, sweaty self in the oppressive heat to a building I have never seen to find a classroom I have never been in. And then the building was locked.


Did I mention it was hot outside? And the building was locked? AS IN, I COULD NOT ENTER THE AIR- CONDITIONED BUILDING AND WAS FORCED TO CIRCLE IT IN THE HEAT!?!

Just wanted to make sure I got that across.

All in all, between the sleepy cat students and the pit stains in my new shirt, it was a good first day of school.


Brandon said...

W H I N E R.

Kidding. I like the spray bottle idea.

Robby Riggs II said...


It was hot for the whole University of Oklahoma-actially-the whole nation.

Here is a quarter... You know the rest!