Thursday, September 20, 2007


Husband and I have a secret. We are closet fans of some trashy reality TV shows. A while ago, we were home together one day and somehow ended up watching several hours of MTV's show Laguna Beach. Brother Robby admitted long ago to being a fan of this little gem, but we had never seen it. Its one of those shows that follows the lives of rich high-school students in California who drive BMWs and say stupid things on camera. We happened to randomly catch a marathon of an entire season that day, and we were HOOKED. We had to keep watching because we HAD to know what would happen to those kids. We HAD to know if Kristin would end up going to prom with Steven. Suddenly, these were the burning questions that had to be answered.

Now, Laguna Beach is over, but we found its spin off called The Hills. Its one thing to watch reruns of these kind of shows, but we are so pathetic that we actually watch The Hills when its actually on. We actually get excited on Mondays, which we refer to as "trash tv night." The hook with these shows is that they make you really care about some characters and REALLY HATE other characters. Then you have to keep watching to make sure things go well for the people you love and things go VERY POORLY for the people you hate. The Hills introduced one of the best reality tv villains ever: SPENCER. I hate him. I feel physical revulsion for this kid. If I saw him in real life, I would give him a swift kick to the shin.

However, it gets worse.

Laguna Beach has created another spin off called Newport Harbor. I know, sounds like a soap opera, right? I saw some commercials for it, and I felt a little snobbery about it. Please, Newport Harbor? That's the kind of show where people steal other people's babies and Carly gets in a car crash and loses her memory and thinks she's in love with her uncle and then you find out HER UNCLE IS REALLY HER FATHER. It is SO not a classy show like The Hills. I would never stoop that low.

So, naturally, one day I'm home on my day off, and what's on? Newport Harbor. And I watch it. And I get hooked. I kept watching. And watching. I HAD to know if Chrissy and Clay would go to prom together. When Husband came home, I quickly changed the channel, hoping to hide my shame from him. But then I felt like an idiot because I was JUST about to find out if Clay asked Chrissy to prom when he walked in. So I confessed.

"Ok, I'm really ashamed about this, but you know that new show Newport Harbor?"


"Well, I may have been really bored and there was nothing on and I already had all my work done... and I may have watched it."

"You watched that show?!"

"YES! I did. I watched it. But I couldn't help it. I love Chrissy. I want her to be with Clay, but that other dumb blonde girl keeps getting in the way. What if he doesn't ask her to prom?"

"He does."


"He does. He asks her."


"I may have watched it one night when you were at night class."

So, its official. We are LAME. But at least we are lame together.


Brandon said...

Just when I had gained such a respect for you, the vortex of teen drama claims your soul.

I guess I really can't say much. I used to watch Dawson's Creek. Crap.

Graduate school is going well, but I have no social life.

The End.