Tuesday, September 4, 2007

the fruit bowl

We're pretty healthy at our house. We try to eat well, and Husband does his fair share of exercising [I honestly cannot include myself in the exercise category]. Husband loves to snack, usually on cookies, but he has been really good lately about eating fruit.

I keep the fruit in this blue bowl-like object on top of our fridge. In our little apartment, which I long ago christened The Hobbit Hole, we don't so much have lots of storage. The kitchen is packed rather efficiently, if I do say so myself. Everything has a place, and somehow it manages to all fit. I MAY be a bit of a control freak, but I hate chaos. I need organization. I need a place for everything and everything in its place.

Then, Husband decided he wanted a fruit bowl.

The problem, apparently, is that Husband forgets that we have fruit in the blue thing above the fridge BECAUSE HE CANNOT SEE IT. That's right. Because he cannot look directly at the blue thing without serious effort, he forgets about the fruit. [Which kind of makes me hope he does not forget other things when he is not looking directly at them. Like my face.] So, Husband decided he wants a VISIBLE fruit bowl. And by visible, he means in the very center of the kitchen table.

The problem is that the fruit bowl, when visible, is often empty because he who sees the fruit, consumes the fruit. At an astounding rate. So, 95% of the time, there is an empty bowl in the middle of my kitchen table. A LARGE. EMPTY. BOWL. Because I cannot buy fruit fast enough to replace the fruit that he devours.

Nothing gets on my nerves like a purposeless, fruitless bowl.


Brandon said...

I just wanted you to know that I found this quite amusing. Please continue to write.

Robby Riggs II said...

It is important that you remeber that you are the neck...

Anonymous said...

lol- I needed this blog this morning- Buy some plastic fruit and put in there - Husband may get a surprise!!!

Summer said...

I'm such a fruit bat, I'd probably contribute to your empty bowl too. Though our real problem with seeing/consuming produce stems from the crisper drawer in the fridge. We don't see, we don't eat, it goes icky. Blehh...