Wednesday, September 5, 2007

my new-found love

The US Open is taking over life as we know it.

I was never a watcher of tennis until I married Husband. He comes from a family that likes to watch both tennis and golf [and football] [and basketball], so I ended up watching a lot more of those first two sports than I ever had before. I mean, when its your own family, you can just say that you would rather hit yourself repeatedly over the head with a nine iron than watch golf, but with your in-laws? Not so much. [If they read this, they will tell me to just tell them I don't like watching golf (they are good people like that). Still, they like watching golf, and who am I to ask them to change the channel in their own living room?]

HOWEVER, tennis is another story. I took a few tennis lessons in my day, and Brother Robby is a mad tennis player, but I never had much interest until now. I have to admit that I love watching tennis. We were in Paris during the French Open, and we even went down to Roland Garros [see how I threw that name of the stadium in there? Yeah, I know some stuff] to try to get tickets. I knew my affection for tennis was real when I was willing to brave a shady part of Paris and walk past lots of scary ticket scalpers surrounded by even scarier police officers ready to arrest any scalped ticket buyers. Alas, we couldn't get any tickets. But I braved the creepy and that means love!

So, the US Open is going on right now, and Husband has been staying up until strange hours watching it. Sleep generally trumps any and all other activities for me (save one), so I have been missing most of the late night tennis action. Still, if you see Husband, be sure to remind him that his tennis boyfriend, Rafael Nadal, lost in the last round, while my tennis boyfriend, Roger Federer, is about to beat Andy Roddick in the quarter-finals!


Anonymous said...

HMMMM- Enjoying others interests- NOW that's love!!!