Sunday, September 7, 2008

spoiled rotten

Our dog, Jaci, takes her role as Princess of the Universe quite seriously. We brought her home about three months ago, and not a moment has passed that she has not taken the opportunity to remind us exactly WHO is running our house now. When she wants something, she will look you dead in the face, DARING you to deny her, and bark these yippy little princess barks, unleashing the full force of the spaniel eyes until you have totally forgotten what you were doing and are making yourself crazy trying to anticipate her every need. What is it, little princess? Bathroom? Food? Treat? Complete devotion of my time and energy?

Because we are suckers, the dog has been sleeping in bed with us since we got her. This, I feel, is where the diva in her truly comes out. I always imagined I'd someday have a dog that would curl up lovingly at my feet, but to do so would be to admit that we are the parents and she is the child, so JACI sleeps WITH HER HEAD ON MY PILLOW. The first time she crawled up next to me and laid her head next to mine, I almost fell off the bed from laughing so hard. She positions herself between Greg and I to achieve maximum attention from both of us. No matter how close together we are laying, she will wedge herself between us. Because why be loved by one parent when there are two available?

Husband is going to kill me for posting this picture, but one night when I came home really late and he was already in bed, this is what I found.

There are no words.


Lori said...

Yea for new posts!! Good job friend :)

Anonymous said...

Finally!! Posts!!