Monday, September 8, 2008


The most important part of my morning ritual is coffee. It may be a bit cliche for a graduate student in literature, but I drink A LOT of coffee. On weekends, I drink two or three cups whilst lounging around. One weekdays, I take it with me to get me through early morning teaching.

The responsibility for brewing the morning coffee has fluctuated between Husband and I in the two years we've been married. For the first year and half (if not more), Husband always made the coffee. Even when I had to get up and leave much earlier than he did, I would get out of the shower and shout "COFFEE?!?!" and he would [bless him] drag himself into the kitchen and make the magic juice that makes his wife shut up and leave him alone. Well, some time this summer, I started making the coffee instead because I (usually) take Jaci out first thing in the morning to go to the bathroom. [So when I said the responsibility fluctuated, I meant that he has always done it and I am finally pulling some weight around here.]

Well, this morning, I stumbled into the kitchen to get the pot going, and THE COFFEE WAS MISSING. WHERE IS THE COFFEE? Suddenly wide awake, I went back into the bedroom (where Husband was still sleeping) and shouted "WHERE IS THE COFFEE!?!". Used to this kind of fit, Husband calmly informed me that our stock is completely gone.

"We have no coffee?"

"No. I noticed that yesterday"

"Why didn't you tell me that last night?"

"I forgot."

"Well, I GUESS I will just go without since you didn't TELL me we don't have any and I DIDN'T BUILD TIME INTO MY MORNING TO MAKE A STARBUCKS RUN."

I really take setbacks so well.

Later in the afternoon, during Daily Phone Call, Husband complained that he wasn't feeling well:

"My body hates me."

"Awww, I'm sorry. What doesn't feel right?"

"I have a really horrible headache."

"Maybe you need to drink more water?"

"Or maybe its because you didn't make me any coffee this morning."


Robby Riggs II said...

remember your place wifey.

'bout time for the new posts!!

The Imp of the Perverse said...

I forgot you had a blog until I was checking to see if Brandon ever updated his (which is a negative, of course). This was hilarious to read. I'm certainly not surprised at your need for coffee. I'd been able to go without it until, well, I started at OU :-).

K. Riggs said...

Oh rob and his comments!! what will we do with him? I have not stop laughing - The post was great as usual!