Tuesday, August 21, 2007

lazy bum

I am, at this very moment, enjoying the first of my two days off every week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays this semester, I have NOTHING to do. In about a week, that will change to I HAVE TO GET ALL THIS READING DONE, but for now, it means I am drinking coffee, watching Regis and Kelly, and picking up Husband's pants at the cleaners. Which I should have done about ... oh ... last Friday. Husband likes to point out that, as a student and non-commuter-of-the-soul-destroying-commute, my schedule is much more flexible than his and I should, TECHNICALLY, find the time to do mundane things like fetch pants from the cleaners. Like, what I am doing all day? Just sitting around all day, napping, watching tv, and eating chips?

Ok, the chips part might not be so far off. Or the napping bit.

However, I would like to point out what I DID accomplish today, namely, brushing my teeth, getting dressed, and taking out the trash.

See? I am being WAY productive with these days off.

But I still love you, and here are your pants.


Brandon said...

I think we're entitled to a little down time, though I daresay that better time-fillers exist than Regis.

Pastries for thought.