Tuesday, September 25, 2007

couldn't keep this to myself

I saw this on and couldn't resist sharing.

Apparently, the current Miss USA, Rachel Smith, has been discussing her plans for the future with reporters. Those Miss USA gals always do have bright futures, don't they? Last year's Miss USA went into rehab and is now starring on a reality television show that follows the lives of pageant girls living in a house together. The drama! The catfights! The hair pulling!

But this new Miss USA is not like the others. She has SERIOUS plans for her life. Quoth she:
“I always wanted to be a reporter — maybe some TV. Who knows? Some serious news — but some modeling, too.”
Hmmmmm. I'm trying to think of someone else who has successfully combined serious news with modeling. Last time I checked, Brian Williams passed on that Gucci handbag campaign.

While Rachel Smith cannot give an example of someone whose career she would like to emulate, she does have a definite example of someone she DOES NOT want to follow:
“I just don’t want to end up like Katie Couric. I want people to take me seriously.”

Somewhere a fairy just died.

But don't cry for Rachel. I'm sure she will get that modeling wish. She's a lovely gal. Someone just needs to tell her that if you want to be in news, you actually have to WATCH the news. Which she obviously doesn't, since she thinks Katie Couric is dancing on a table in Vegas somewhere.


Summer said...

I love you, I love your writing, I love it that this post was the one I caught up with. Fabulous!
