Monday, September 24, 2007

somewhat diminishing the joy of the weekend

There has been a fly in my apartment for 3 days. A fly. In the Hobbit Hole. For 3. Straight. Days.

The cozy atmosphere of this little abode is somewhat disturbed by an extra inhabitant. There is barely enough space for me, Husband, and Husband's clothes. There is a reason we do not have an animal. THERE IS NO ROOM. If we wanted a pet, there would be a precious puppy living with us. I DID NOT SIGN UP FOR A PET FLY.

It's difficult to be productive when there is a fly in the house. It's hard to study when a fly is zipping around your head. I keep getting up from my art notes to attempt to kill the fly, but it is a FAST little bugger. Sometimes I only feel the breeze when it flies by my head. I don't even see it.

And let me tell you how much fun it is to cook when there is a fly around. Everything has to have a lid at all times. You can't pour a drink unless you can drink it all IMMEDIATELY before the fly attacks.

I hoped that cleaning the bathroom would somehow smoke out the fly. Maybe the chemicals would kill the fly and I would find it dead on the floor, a victim of Scrubbing Bubbles. But no such luck.

I am sick of the fly. And yet I am incapable of killing the fly.

Some PLEASE come and kill this fly.