Tuesday, October 23, 2007

technological let down

The iPhone and I are fighting.

We're at the coffee house and a hilarious exchange occurs. I had yet to post on the blog today, [BECAUSE I HAD TO READ 100 PAGES OF CHAUCER IN MIDDLE ENGLISH. MIDDLE ENGLISH.] so I was pretty excited about the gem that had fallen into my lap unexpectedly.

The thought strikes me: finally, the iPhone will be good for something. I can use the iPhone to post on the blog RIGHT NOW! How exciting! No waiting until I get back to my laptop. It will be like real-time reporting. I was already composing the post in my head. "Guess what? This story I'm about to tell you? It just happened, like 5 minutes ago. And you already get to hear about it! Hooray for the marvels of modern technology!"

So Husband grants me use of the iPhone so I can post. I notice immediately that my fingers are too fat for its little keyboard. See how society constructs an unattainable standard of body image? ONLY SKINNY-FINGERED PEOPLE CAN USE THE iPHONE. WHAT WOULD TYRA BANKS SAY ABOUT THAT?!

Then, as I'm attempting to log into the blog server, the iPhone craps out and defaults back to its home screen. I think that is the Apple equivalent of the middle finger.

Apple products officially hate me. Its not enough that Apple takes Husband away from me into the abyss of i-features. To add insult to injury, Apple discriminates against fat fingers and whiny bloggers.


Anonymous said...

Your iPhone is running low on application memory. Hold the sleep button until a red error appears. Slide the arrow to turn the phone off. Then hold the Sleep button again to turn it back on. iPhones run like computers - they need to be restarted once every couple of days to clear out all the things that are running in the background. Your iPhone doesn't hate you, it's just scared :-/