Sunday, November 4, 2007

a house divided

"Wait, who are we rooting for?"

"The Patriots."

"Why? Why not Peyton? I refuse to root for Tom Brady. I don't support Dead Beat Dads who leave their Baby Momma for Brazilian Super Models."

"Well, I HATE Peyton Manning."

"Why? How can you hate Peyton Manning?"

"All he does is sit in the back and pass the ball."

"Ummm.... isn't he the quarterback?"


"And isn't the quarterback, by definition, 'he who passes the ball'?"

"He's supposed to manage the offense. I don't like his style of play."

"So, you don't like the way he plays?"


"But you don't have a reason?"

"Well, he played at Tennessee."


"I hate Tennessee."

"You hate Peyton because he played at Tennessee? Why do you hate Tennessee?"

"Because Peyton Manning played there."


Anonymous said...

hahah i want to argue with greg on this issue... and i stand behind your tom brady comments, very funny and very true. im gonna shrug off tonights game

Kelly Riggs said...

I don't know which of you to root for on this one...two of the goofiest reasons I've ever heard.

How can you not root for a guy who dates Brazilian supermodels???? Assuming you don't take into account the "deadbeat dad" thing.

And then there is the nice circuitous logic of "I don't like A because of B and I don't like B because of A." Nice.

The best reason to dislike Peyton Manning is because Al Gore is from Tennessee.


Anonymous said...

I rooted for Tom Brady because he made this hilarious video:

(Warning: this video is a bit risque)